1. Clean Your Site of Duplicate Content
  2. Track Keywords – Craft a List of Keywords to Verify Rankings
  3. Define a Core Keyword for Each Page
  4. Keep Unique and Relevant Title Tags Within Your Website
  5. Write Meta Description with Less Than 156 Characters
  6. Use Keywords in the Title Tags and Headings for Better Content Optimization
  7. Keep the URL as Short as Possible
  8. Optimize Images with Descriptive ALT Tags
  9. Write Competitive Content Frequently to Stay on Top
  10. Have a Blog and Write Smart Content Frequently
  11. Monitor Your Backlinks’ Naturalness
  12. Make Sure Your Site Is Mobile-Optimized (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
  13. Optimize Your Site for a Fast Load Speed Time
  14. Diagnose Your Site with Google Search Console Tools
  15. Fix Crawl Errors in Google Search Console
  16. Monitor Your Site’s Indexation Status
  17. Focus on Your Audience’s Demographics
  18. Keep Your Returning Users Under the Magnifying Glass
  19. Setup Your Goals in Google Analytics
  20. Local SEO: Attract Local Customers
  21. Run a Website Audit Before and After Implementing SEO Strategies